Buzz Lightyear, later known as Zurg, is the main antagonist of Pixar's 26th full-length animated feature film Lightyear, a Toy Story spin-off prequel film centered on the origin story of Buzz Lightyear.
He was voiced by James Brolin.
Why He Rocks[]
- His mech design is not only realistic, but intimidating and cool too.
- James Brolin's performance is chilling and sounds very natural.
- His voice is awesome, and so is his demeaner and backstory.
- Unlike the other versions of Zurg, he is a ruthless psychopath who is taken seriously all the time.
- He's a bit sympathetic as he just wanted to fix his mistake, but wasn't allowed to.
- He is intimidating and contrasts with Buzz well.
"Bad Quality"[]
- He is hated by people for many reasons, but it all boils down to them not liking how different he is from his toy counterpart. The point wasn't to be the same though, so they made some changes, and as stated above it's why he rocks.