Sakura Kinomoto (木之本 桜, Kinomoto Sakura) is a fictional character, the heroine, and the main protagonist of CLAMP's anime and manga series Cardcaptor Sakura. Sakura is introduced as a 10 year-old girl who lives in the town of Tomoeda in Japan, where she attends Tomoeda Elementary School during the Clow Card Arc and Sakura Card Arc story-line. In Clear Card Arc story-line, she is a 13 year-old freshmen attending Tomoeda Junior High School.
Why She Rocks[]
- She was CLAMP's cutest tomboy.
- She was born with her magical powers.
- She loves more boyish hobbies (including inline skating, video games and boyish sports).
- To increase her cuteness and tomboyishness, she wears her most iconic everyday outfit: her school uniform, which was double as her most powerful battle outfit.
- Her winter school uniform is a black long sleeved shirt with red and white sleevecuffs, a white neckerchief with a red stripe, and a white pleated miniskirt with a frilly white knee-length petticoat. On particularly cold days, she wears a thick black coat with her schools insignia on the back. Her summer uniform is a white half-sleeved shirt with a red neckerchief and a black pleated miniskirt. All year round, a pair of very shiny black Mary Jane shoes are worn along with white socks and a white sailor hat with a black trim.
- Her theme song, She is the One was pure heroic.
- While she's transforming, her different clothes are magically transformed into her school uniform, as her battle outfit.