Puss in Boots, or simply known as Puss, is a major character in the Shrek franchise, and the titular main protagonist of the spin-off franchise of the same name. He is based loosely on the fairy tale character of the same name and is the main "other fairy tale character" in the four sequels. He was first introduced in Shrek 2 as a Spanish-accented bounty hunter with a knack for adventure. He was there (along with Donkey, Shrek and Princess Fiona).
Why He's Awesome[]
- Despite at the start trying to kill Shrek under King Harold's orders. He reformed himself, and became a second sidekick to Shrek next to Donkey.
- He's a funny, entertaining, charming, and likeable character throughout the series.
- Though being a cat, he manages to take down foes much bigger than himself to protect himself, and his friends that he cares about.
- He became a fan-favorite character by people watching the Shrek movies with his great personality, and charm towards women.
- Is likely the smartest Shrek character out of all of them having the most common sense, but still isn't perfect himself, and can make plenty of mistakes, especially how he lost his 8 lives being left with 1.
- Him, Shrek, and Donkey make a great trio together as well as just he, and Donkey make a great duo of sidekicks to Shrek.
- Managed to earn to his own spin-off movie franchise by how much people loved him in the Shrek movies.
- Is a very relatable character in the Shrek movies, and especially in Puss In Boots: The Last Wish by fearing Death coming after him, and learning to fight for his life.
- Made a new team of friends with his girlfriend Kitty Softpaws, and Perrito called Team Friendship.
- He, and Kitty Softpaws make a great Shrek relationship together having lots of regrets. Though were able to make a true connection once again at the end of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish.