The Mimic1 program, better known as the Mimic or Glitchtrap, is the main antagonist of the Steel Wool era of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. An artificial intelligence from the 1980s meant to learn and mimic any human behavior it sees that turned aggressive after being assaulted by its creator, before learning about and seeking to fully replicate William Afton crimes.
He is voiced by Matthew Curtis.
What makes him great[]
- Many fans consider that William Afton was being used too much in the franchise as the main antagonist, so many fans consider that the arrival of Mimic to the franchise gives a new look to the franchise.
- Its concept of being an AI that is capable of imitating any human being is quite interesting.
- Its introduction in the Ruin DLC can be considered quite iconic and terrifying.
- As there is still a lot to see in the Steel Wool era, it is quite likely that it will return, so many are looking forward to what they could do with The Mimic,
Bad Qualities[]
- He is a complete and utter blank slate and is at it’s core nothing but a mindless animal. This is due to the fact he is an A.I that mimics whatever it see’s and is infected by the agony of another person. This means that it lacks a moral agency, any personality or motivations of it’s own or even a character at all. Everything about him is merely copied from William Afton because his programming requires it not because it of it’s own volition. This makes him quite uninteresting and poorly written compared to Afton who was known for being divisive, unique and overall well written in spite of his flaws.
- Due to the above, there has been a lot of confusion about whether Mimic is Burntrap and Glitchtrap or not, these debates and discussions still continue today.
- His endoskeleton design is also quite controversial, with some considering it genuinely scary, while others considering it generic and graceless.